A Scottish Registered Charity
We are a community not-for-profit organisation established to take over the "Smiddy Field" - one of the fields at the Scottish Government-owned Knocknagael Farm on Essich Road in the south of Inverness - by an Asset Transfer Request.
This map will show you which field we want to acquire.
The aim of the Knocknagael Community Growing Project is to create, maintain and manage food growing activities, including allotments, for the benefit of the community.
Plans under consideration include a community garden, allotments, a community orchard, food growing areas, and outdoor walking paths. We are in discussions with potential stakeholders including Education and Mental Wellbeing organisations.
With new housing going up all around Inverness, our aim is to create a Green Hub to get more people growing and enjoying local produce, while benefitting from a rural oasis in an increasingly urban landscape. We recently submitted comments to the Highland Council's Inner Moray Firth Development Plan, which is currently under review.
We have joined Community Land Scotland, the Community Woodlands Association, and been awarded a Stage 1 Grant by the Scottish Land Fund.
Knocknagael Limited is a company registered in Scotland, number SC668011. Our company details can be found HERE
Our Annual Report & Accounts for 2021 can be found HERE, for 2022, HERE, for 2023 HERE, and for 2024 HERE
Knocknagael Limited is registered with the Information Commissioner's Office as a data controller and our registration number is ZA902626. You can view our Data Protection details HERE
We are a registered Scottish charity, number SC051232, and you can find our details online HERE
You can view the current Memorandum & Articles of Association of Knocknagael Limited HERE
The Directors' Code of Conduct can be found HERE
Our current AGM Standing Orders can be found HERE